Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"OS" Tee shirt prefold tutorial

Goooooood afternoon!

I know I had a tee shirt prefold tutorial up before and it was pretty good, but I have since revised it and LOVE the tee shirt prefold version 2. So here is the new tutorial! The end "OS" diaper will be 6 layers of absorbency and they normally last my semi-heavy wetter 2ish hours.

  • 2 medium or larger(if mens, or large and larger if womens) 100% cotton tee shirts
  • 1 flannel receiving blanket
  • A piece of fabric 16" by 12" to use as the "OS" template
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine and thread
  • Very little sewing expertise ;)

1. Lay out one of your tee shirts on the floor/craft table/sewing table and smooth out, you don't need to iron, just make sure there are no "bubbles" so the ends look nice :)


2. Fold in half so that the bottom of the tee shirt it touching the shoulders.

3. Lay your template piece of fabric over the tee shirt so that one of the 16" sides in touching the now bottom of the tee shirt.


4. Cut around the template fabric and discard the excess(or use the sleeves to make cute little owlies :D)


5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the second tee shirt and the receiving blanket(note: with the recieving blanket just fold it in half for which ever side is longest, i.e. if you have a 30x40, fold it so that you have two layers of 30x20)

6. Layer your soon to be prefold so that one tee shirt is on the bottom(two layers), the receiving blanket is in the middle(two layers), and the other tee shirt is on top(two layers)


7. Sew along the red lines :D


8. And you are done!


<3 If you use my tutorial and find any cute tee shirts to make into prefolds, please please add them the pictures to the flickr group, Tee Shirt Prefolds!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cloth Diapering Terms

Diaper Brands and WAHM Links

AAD: August Afternoon Design www.augustafternoon.com &www.hyenacart.com/augustafternoon
ABB: Apple Bottom Baby http://hyenacart.com/AppleBottomBaby/
AC: Apple Cheeks

AK: Adventure Knits http://hyenacart.com/AdventureKnits/
AL: Angel Luvz
AMP: Annie Marie Padorie http://www.ampdiapers.com
ASD: Alphabet Soup Designs www.alphabetsoupdesign.com
ASIL: And Such is Life
ATC: All Things Cloth www.AllThingsCloth.com
ATD: All Together Deluxe www.nickisdiapers.com
AVD: AVDesigns www.hyenacart.com/avdesigns
AW: Angel Wraps http://www.angelwraps.com/

BB: Baby Blanket http://www.thebabyblanket.com/store/Default.asp
BB: Baby Bloomers
BB: Batik Bum http://hyenacart.com/BatikBum
BB: BeccaBottom http://www.beccabottoms.com/
BB: Bella Bottoms http://www.bellabottoms.com/catalog/index.php
BB: Better Bums www.hyenacart.com/betterbums and www.betterbums.com
BB: Blessed Bottomz http://www.blessedbottomz.com/diaper_home.htm
BB: BottomBumpers http://www.bottombumpers.com/
BB: Butterfly Bunz http://hyenacart.com/butterflybunz/
BBB: Bear Bottom Britches http://www.bearbottombritches.com/
BBB- Big Boy Britches- www.hyenacart.com/2by2boutique
BBB: Bouncin Baby Bums www.bouncinbabybums.bravehost.com
BBB: Bumblebuns Baby Boutique www.bumblebuns.com
BBD: Baby Bear Diapers http://www.babybeardiapers.com/
BBD: Bubble Butt Diapers http://hyenacart.com/bubblebuttdiapers/
BBG: Burgh Baby Gear www.burghbabygear.com orwww.hyenacart.com/burghbabygear/
BBH: Baby Beehinds http://www.babybeehinds.com.au
BBH: Bizzy Beehive www.bizzybhive.com
BBL: Blackbird Lane www.blackbirdlane.com
BG: Bumgenius www.cottonbabies.com
BH: Bunny Hugs
BCK: BabyCakes Knits http://babycakesknits.etsy.com
BP: Berry Plush www.diaperware.com/productpage/jamtots.htm
BP: Blue penguin http://www.bluepenguin.biz/
BSWW: Bummis Super Whisper Wraphttp://www.bummis.com/en/Products/co...isperWrap.html
BWB: Beedie Weedie Boutique www.beedieweedieboutique.comhttp://hyenacart.com/beedieweedie/

CB: Cottage Babies http://hyenacart.com/cottagebabies/
CB: Cotton Babies www.cottonbabies.com
CB: Cuddlebunz http://www.cuddlebunz.com
CB: CuddleBuns™ diapers http://www.cuddlebunsdiapers.com
CBC: Cuddlebug Cloth http://hyenacart.com/cuddlebugcloth/
CBL: Carriers By Lisa www.CarriersByLisa.com
CC: Cloth Canoe http://hyenacart.com/TheClothCanoe/
CC: Cub Covers http://hyenacart.com/CubCovers-WolfWoolies
CC: Crystals Cloth http://crystalscloth.com/store/Default.asp
CDE: Cloth Diaper Exchange www.clothdiaperexchange.com
CM: Cotton Mamma www.cottonmamma.com
CNC: Cuties N Cotton http://www.cutiesncotton.com
CRAT: Aristocrat http://www.tinytush.com/aristocrats_wool_soakers.htm
CT: Cloth Thoughts http://cloththoughts.com/cart/
C9S: Cloud 9 Softie http://cloud9.ewahm.com

DB: DryBees http://www.drybees.com
D-B: Desert-Blooms www.desert-blooms.com
DC: Dimple Cheeks http://hyenacart.com/DimpleCheeksDiapers/
DD: Daisy Doodles http://www.daisy-doodles.com
DD: Dilly-Doo http://www.dillydoos.com
DE: DreamEze
DnF : Dunk N Fluff www.dunknfluff.com/shop

EGD: Elizabeth Grace Design
EMC2: EMC Square http://www.hyenacart.com/MonkeyWranglers
ES: Eesti Slings www.eestislings.com or http://hyenacart.com/eestislings/
ESB: Essential Salts Baby

FB: Fuzzi Bunz www.fuzzibunz.com
FB: Fuzbaby http://www.fuzbaby.com/
FBD: Fly Baby Designs http://www.flybabydesigns.net/store/
FCB: First Class Baby/Fluffy Mail www.fluffymail.com
FF: Fuzzie Fannies www.hyenacart.com/FuzziFanniesCreations
FF: The Fanciful Fanny www.hyenacart.com/TheFancifulFanny
FF: Firefly http://www.fireflydiapers.com/
FF: Fuzzi Fannies Creations www.fuzzifannies.comhttp://hyenacart.com/FuzziFanniesCreations/
FFC: Funny Farm Creations www.piggyprefolds.com orwww.hyenacart.com/funnyfarmcreations
FFF: Frugal Fanny Flannels
FMBG: Full Moon Baby Gear www.fullmoonbabygear.com

GAD: Green Acre Designs www.greenacredesigns.com
GGK: Gaelic Garden Knits http://www.gaelicgardenknits.com
GM:goodmama http://thegoodmama.com/
GMAR: Grow Me a Rainbow http://www.growmearainbow.com/store/
GMD: Green Mountain Diapers http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/
GW: Goddess Whispers www.hyenacart.com/goddesswhispers

HB: Honey Boy www.honeboydiapers.com
HBB: Hillbilly Bunny http://www.hillbillybunny.com/shop/
HBB: Honey Bee Baby
HBK: HuckleBerry Knits http://huckleberryknits.com
HC: Happy Cheeks http://hyenacart.com/HappyCheeksDiapers/
HD: Harleez Dipeez
HH: Happy Heiny's www.happyheinys.com
HH: Happy Hempy's www.happyheinys.com
HH: Heavenly Huggers www.hyenacart.com/heavenlyhuggers soon to bewww.heavenlyhuggers.com
HL: Holdens Landing http://www.holdenslanding.com/store/Default.asp
HP: Haute Pockets
HPC: Hidden Pearl Creations www.hiddenpearlcreations.com


JB: Joey Bunz www.babykicks.com/joeys.html
JB: Jelly Bean http://www.jellybeandiapers.com
JB: Jolly Bums www.Jollybums.com www.momsboardwalk.com
JT: Just Tomatoes

KB: Kozee Baby http://kozeebaby.net
KBK: Ky Baby Knits http://hyenacart.com/KyBabyKnits/
KC: Korbins Cloth
KCK: Kayla's Cloth Kits http://hyenacart.com/kaylasclothkits
KHW: Kind Hearted Women http://www.kindheartedwomen.com/main.php
KK: Kuddly Kreations http://hyenacart.com/KuddlyKreations/
KK: The Keiki Kompany http://hyenacart.com/TheKeikiKompany/
KL: Kissaluvs http://www.kissaluvs.com
KL0: Kissaluvs size 0 http://www.kissaluvs.com
KMB: Kiss My Bunz
KND: Knickernappies Disposanot http://knickernappies.com
KP: Kiwi Pie www.kiwipie.com
KS: Kozy Seat www.kozyseat.com
KSS: Kool Sheep Soakers
KTN: KT Naturals www.ktnaturals.com

LB: Little Beetles
LB: Lovey Bums http://www.loveybums.com
LBFW: Little Blue Frog Works www.littlebluefrogworks.com
LC: Little Caboose www.fluffymail.com
LD: Luke’s Drawers http://www.lukesdrawers.com/
LF: London Frogg http://londonfrogg.com or http://hyenacart.com/LondonFrogg
LHC: Lucy's Hope Chest www.lucyshopechest.com
LK: Lizzie Knits http://www.hyenacart.com/WAHMOriginals
LK: Lotus Knits
LL: Little Lambs
LL: Little Liam (wool longies) www.hyenacart.com/LittleLiam
LL: Little Landings www.littlelandings.com
LLB: Lil Ladybug Boutique http://hyenacart.com/LiLLadybugBoutique/
LLJ: Llamajamas http://www.llamajama.com
LLL: Little Lounging Lizards
LRD: Little Rain Dancers www.littleraindancers.com
Lves: Luvease http://www.hyenacart.com/Luvease
LWB: Little Witchy Britches
LWB: Living Water Boutique http://precious.in.his.sight.angelfire.com/index.html and moving to http://www.livingwaterboutique.com soon

MA : Magic All
MB: Mitch’s Britches http://mitchsbritches.com/ &http://hyenacart.com/mitchsbritches/
MD: Monkey Doodlez http://www.monkeydoodlez.com/store/Default.asp
ME: Motherease www.motherease.com
MEAF: Motherease Air Flow www.motherease.com
MED: Midlle Earth Diapers http://www.middleearthdiaper.com/index.php
MEOS: Motherease Oneszie www.motherease.com
MGD: Mother Goose Designs http://hyenacart.com/onestore.php?vid=454&category=36
MHM: Mile High Monkeys www.milehighmonkeys.com
MJB: Meghann's Jewelry Box http://hyenacart.com/meghannsjewelrybox
MK: Micsknitz www.hyenacart.com/micsknitz
MM: Mosaic Moon http://www.mosaicmoon.com
MM: Maldin Mills (microfleece)
MMC: Melie Mello Creations http://meliemello.etsy.com
MOE: Mother of Eden www.fuzzibunz.com
MPB: My Precious Baby by April http://hyenacart.com/mypreciousbabybyapril/
MT: Mommy's Touch
Mutt: Muttaqins http://hyenacart.com/MuttaqinBaby/

NB: Nekkie Blankie™ www.nekkieblankie.com & www.hyenacart.com/nekkieblankie
NBC: Nothing Butt Cloth www.nothingbuttcloth.com
NG: Natural Goodies http://www.naturalgoodies.net/store
NYMCD: Not Your Mama's Cloth Diapers www.NotYourMamasClothDiapers.com

OBB: Olive Branch Baby http://olivebranchbaby.com/
OMG: One Mad Giraffe www.hyenacart.com/onemadgiraffe

PaB: Peek-a-Booties by RamieBaby Designshttp://www.hyenacart.com/RamieBabyDesigns
PBBA: Precious Baby by April http://hyenacart.com/mypreciousbabybyapril/
PBPD: Potbellied Pig Design [url]http://www.potbelliedpigdesigns.ca/p...ge/4692978.htm[/url
PC: Precious Coverings http://www.preciouscoverings.com
PC: Pocket Change http://www.thenaturalbabyco.com/pocket.html
PD: Poochies™ diapers http://www.poochiesdiapers.com
PL:Pink Lemonade www.pinklemonadeshop.com or http://hyenacart.com/pinklemonade
PN: Pattynaps
PP: Preston's Pants www.middleearthdiaper.com
PP- Prissy Pants- www.hyenacart.com/2by2boutique
PP: Punky Padding http://www.punkypadding.com/
PPS- Prissy Pants Skirty- www.hyenacart.com/2by2boutique
PW: Peewell http://www.clothetc.com
PWP: Patchwork Pixie http://www.patchworkpixie.com/

QB: Quilts on the Bed http://www.quiltsonthebed.com/

RaR: Rump~a~rooz www.rumparooz.com
RB: Renegade Baby www.RenegadeBaby.net
RB: Righteous Baby www.righteousbaby.com
RB: Royal Buns http://hyenacart.com/royalbuns/
REO: Red Earth Originals www.redearthoriginals.com
RFF: Robyns Fanny Fluff
RIKKI: Motherease diaper cover www.motherease.com
RK: Ribbit Knits http://hyenacart.com/ribbitknits/
RKD: Raspberry Kissed Designs www.raspberrykisseddesigns.com orwww.hyenacart.com/buddhabellies
RLP Rachel's Legal Pad Http://www.hyenacart.com/RachelsLegalPad
Roo: Wonderoo
RR: Royal Rumps www.royalrumps.com

Sandys: Motherease fitted www.motherease.com
SB: Swaddle Bees www.swaddlebees.com
SB: SugarBuns
SB: StarBunz
SBB: Sweet Baby Botique www.sweetbabybotique.com/store
SBC: Sweet Bottom Creek www.SweetBottomCreek.com
SB'ish Sustainable Babyish www.sloomb.com orwww.hyenacart.com/sustainablebabyish
SBW: Sugar Buns Wool & More www.hyenecart.com/pamperedbaby
SC:Stinky Couture http://www.stinkycouture.com/
SC: Simply Cloth
SDF: Steph's Diaper Factory http://stephsdiaperfactory.com
SDI: Seun Designs Inc. http://www.hyenacart.com/MonkeyWranglers
SEZ: Snap-Ez www.snap-ez.com
SK: SweetKnits www.sweetknits.com
SKB: Sunkissed Babies
SKC: Spooky Kitty Collective http://www.spookykittycollective.com
SMS: Steph and Mernie’s Stuff http://steffandmerniesstuff.com
SNB: Snuggle Buttz www.snugglebuttz.com
SnS: Strawberries n Sunshine http://www.StrawberriesNSunshine.com
SOS: Susie One Size http://sosdiapers.wahmweb.com/store/Default.asp.
SP: Sassypants www.hyenacart.com/sassypants
SPB: Sugar Plum Baby http://www.sugarplumbaby.com
STF: Snug to Fit
STT: Sassy Turtle Thread http://www.sassyturtlethreads.com
SWB: Sweetiebums www.sweetiebums.com

TBK: Troika Baby Knits http://www.Hyenacart.com/WAHMOriginals
TCC: The Cloth Canoe www.hyenacart.com/TheClothCanoe
TCM: The Cat's Meow www.jenncatsmeow.com
TCT: The Cushie Tushie www.thecushietushie.com
TFD: Tail Feather Diapers http://www.tailfeathersdiapers.com/
TFF: Thirsties Fab Fitteds http://www.thirstiesbaby.com/
TT: Tinkle Traps http://www.tinkletraps.com/store/Default.asp
TT: Trendy Tush http://www.hyenacart.com/treasuretotshttp://www.freewebs.com/trendytush
TTD: A Time to Dye" (It's hand-dyed yarn.) www.atimetodye.comwww.hyenacart.com/TinyLadyCooperative)

UTN: Under the Nile http://www.underthenile.com/underthenile/index.php

VB: Very Baby www.verybaby.com
VBSN: Very Baby Simply Nights www.verybaby.com
VDC: Vermont Diaper Company http://www.vermontdiapercompany.com
Vimse: Imse Vimse www.imsevimse.us
VK: Valor Kids http://hyenacart.com/valorkids/

WBK: Wool Baby Knits http://www.woolbabyknits.com
WC: Woolful Comforts http://hyenacart.com/WoolfulComforts/
WCW: Wild Child Woolies www.wildchildwoolies.com
WG: Wondrous Gems www.wondrousgems.com
WW: Wonderful Woolies
WW: Wolf Woolies
WW: Wonderworks
WWB: Wiggle Worm Bottoms www.wigglewormbottoms.com/store


ZBG: Zoom Baby Gear www.zoombabygear.com
ZZ: Zany Zebra http://hyenacart.com/ZanyZebraDesigns/
s and Acronyms
Cloth Diaper Terms and Acronyms

3SR: 3 Step Rise

AI2: all in two , usually has a snap in liner
AIO: all in one diaper
AP: Attachment Parenting
APLIX: brand of hook and loop similar to velcro

BOV: bamboo organic velour
BKT: burly knit terry
BN: Brand New
Bump: Putting “bump” into a post is a way to move the thread back up to the top of a forum
BV: bamboo velour

CBOS: Cotton Babies One Size insert
CD: cloth diaper
CM: chubby medium
Colorway: The color of the yarn
Contour Diaper: Contour diapers are usually hourglass shaped with no folding necessary. Just lay them in a wrap or diaper cover
CPF: Chinese prefolds
Crunchy: is like super nutty...not what our modern day society considers normal. It's like an alternative to saying you're nuts! It's kind of used for natural, earthy, or renounced lifestyles, because these kind of things seem so strange in a modern world full of 'conveniences'

DSQ: diaper service quality
DWR: Durable Water Repellent (a brand of spray used to re-waterproof diapers)

EBF: exclusively breastfed (you’ll see in reference to how a diaper holds EBF poo)
EC: Elimination communication:[/b] it is where babies don't wear diapers and the parents watch for cues that they are about to pee or poop and take them to the restroom. Lots of mamas swear by it (and it is practiced exclusively in many third world countries).
EO: essential oil
ETA: edited to add
EUC: excellent used condition

FFS: free for shipping
Fitted: Fitted diapers are used in place of prefolds or contours. They require a diaper cover or wrap, however they are cut in an hourglass shape and have elastic around the legs and waist and have either snaps or hook and loop fasteners
FL: front loader (washing machine)
FLAG: fits like a glove
FLAM: fits like a mitten
Flat: a diaper that is typically 27"x27" square, single ply diaper to fold
FOE: fold over elastic
FPP: funded PayPal
FRB: Flat Rate Box
FBE: Flat Rate Envelope
FS: for sale
FS: front snapping
FSOT: for sale or trade
FT: for trade
FUC: fair used condition

GN: gender neutral
GUC: good used condition

HC: Hyena Cart www.hyenacart.com an online store “A collection of earth-friendly shops”
Hemp: hemp is made from the inner bark of the hemp plant. It is becoming increasingly popular for use in diapers because of its durability, absorbency and natural anti-microbial properties
Hyena: term for hard to get, popular diapers that are stalked by diaper hungry moms

IDNO: in desperate need of
IDSO: in desperate search of
IHA: I have available
IPF: indian prefold
ISO: in search of


LN: like new

M/L or ML: medium long (size usually the same as a medium except for the rise
MM: Malden Mills (Brand of fleece)

NB: newborn

OC: organic cotton
OCV: organic cotton velour
OS: one size - a diaper that usually fits a child from birth up until about 35 lbs
OV: organic velour

PF: prefold - diapers with a center strip thickness - they still need to be folded to fit the baby
PL’ed: Potty Learned or Learning
PP: PayPal www.paypal.com
PPD: postage paid (you'll see this when a price listed includes shipping)
PSA: public service announcement
PUL: polyurethane laminate, a material used to make diaper covers/wraps, the outer of many pocket diapers or AIOs

QD: quick dry

RLR: is a laundry additive that softens the water and helps remove/prevent build for people who have hard water.
RME: Revolution Money Exchange A new company that is competition for Paypal.

SAHD: stay at home dad
SAHM: stay at home mom
SC: suedecloth (stay dry inner folds)
SS: side snapping
Stalking: is waiting around for a product to stock. People ask for stalking help to have better odds at scoring items on HC
STM: ship to me, as used during co-ops and presales where you have to pay to have your item shipped to the person running the sale and then again to have it shipped to you.
Stripping: this is when you have detergent buildup in your diapers and you must run multiple hot rinses until the bubbles are gone

The BabyWearer
TDF: to die for
T&T :Turned and Topstitched (some people prefer this as opposed to serged edges on fitteds)
TTO: tea tree oil

UBCPF: unbleached chinese prefolds
UBIPF: unbleached Indian prefolds
UC: used condition

VGUC: very good used condition

WAHD: work at home dad
WAHM: work at home mom
Wagon: Going on the wagon is choosing (or being forced to choose) to not buy anymore diapers. It is a term used often with drinking alcohol. If you have been drinking a lot, you say that you are “going on the wagon” and then you stop for a while
WIO: wool in one -AIO with a wool cover rather than fleece or cotton
WOHD: work out of home dad
WOHM: work out of home mom
Wool Soaker: A wool soaker is basically a diaper cover made exclusively of wool.


you pick all